Hello Hogans, I hope all is well with you. The interviews have been coming along swimmingly. There is just one more with Psychiatrist Brinks (gulp). Dad says he can 'read people' really well. I am already nervous that I will reveal something stupid by saying nothing at all. What questions do you think he will ask us? 1$ to the best reply.
(They aren't going to let THIS guy go, are they??!!)

I think they'll ask you how to pronounce Bangladesh - it's like an ink blot test - if you say it like bang, it means something different than if you say it like bong. Just remember, there's no wrong answers... just psychotic ones. Good luck.
I think they will ask if you would ever consider dental work.
I am so happy to hear everything is going so well. I am proud of you guys.
Actually, what he did ask right off the bat was 'what kind of person are you?' WHAT?!! A human one, duh! How do you answer a question like that? Not what are you like, or tell me about yourself... when you ask it like he did, it makes you defensive right off. I felt like saying A-great-one-thank-you-very-much. smarty pants.
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